Massage Therapy

Therapeutic Massage

For years clients have said “Today I want the Lorine Special.”  The secret?  “The Lorine Special” means something different to each of them and is, in fact, “their” session.  That’s what makes my work so effective– it meets you were you are each time we are together.

These sessions combine hands on therapeutic massage techniques, embodiment exercises & guided breathing, and coaching conversations (with consent) to give you the tools and space to learn the language of your body and reconnect to your needs so that you can break the physical and emotional pain cycles and live life based on what you want, not what your body or outside messages tell you that you can do.

These sessions are about reconnecting your body and mind so you can claim lasting change and feel like your best self.  They bring experience, patience, and focus to create a space that invites the body’s innate healing ability. They are not “no pain, no gain.” No body likes a bully!

I love this work and feel honored to share it with you. Thank you for inviting me on your journey to feeling better.

Table Thai Massage

Thai Massage on the table is where massage meets yoga. Thai Massage combines massage techniques with facilitated stretching to relieve pain, improve mobility, and create length and spaciousness. Your therapist uses both rhythmic pressure of the forearms, elbows, thumbs, hands and feet and yogic assisted stretches to relax the muscles and joints.

You'll be massaged and stretched head to toe, and moved into different yoga- like positions to help release tension and compressions as well as reorganize your fascia with the series of range of motion, assisted stretching, and massage techniques. (Reorganizing fascia can help with things like restrictions from “scar tissue”)

The work is done fully clothed in your own loose, comfortable clothing that allows easy movement (what you might wear to the gym or a yoga class). Traditionally done on a mat on the floor, I offer Thai massage on the massage table, allowing more ease and comfort for many.

Perfect for athletes, desk jockeys, and anyone who feels like they need to “open up” the physical body.

Facial Rejuvenation

Rediscover your youthful glow with this natural facelift massage, a non-invasive way to look and feel more relaxed & rested—without surgery, drugs, or expensive products. Using acupressure and Ayurvedic ”smoothing” with no added oils, creams, or equipment, its perfect for sensitive skin or those who prefer a holistic, chemical-free approach.

Over time, stress, emotions, and our environment (sun exposure, pollution, alcohol use, lack of sleep, etc.) can cause tension to build up in our facial muscles. This tension can lock habitual expressions into place—especially around the eyes and mouth—leading to wrinkles, sagging skin, and a loss of elasticity. Facial rejuvenation massage works to reactivate over 90 facial and neck muscles, releasing tension, improving blood circulation, and stimulating energy flow. It helps “iron out” wrinkles, enhance muscle tone, and restore the skin’s natural radiance.

You'll experience deep relaxation, while visible results—smoother skin, lifted muscles, and a rejuvenated complexion—reflect inner balance. Look less stressed, feel refreshed, and let your natural self shine through!

Massage Rates

In-Office Sessions

  • 1 hour session - $165

    90 minute session- $245

    2 hour session- $315

  • 1 hour session- $165

    90 minute session- $245

    2 hour session- $315

    (At least 90 minutes is suggested for full benefits with Thai massage)

  • Facial Rejuvenation is about 60 minutes/session offered as a weekly series for cumulative, lasting results. You will come in once or twice per week. You will also be offered simple techniques to do at home.

    Sample 60 minute session- $275

    6 session series (60 minutes each)- $1500

    You may try one sample session, and when you opt into a series, your sample session will be deducted from the series total.

    Please contact me directly to schedule.

Use the “First Visit” button if we haven’t worked together in the past 6 months and “Returning Client” if we have seen each other in the past 6 months.

Mobile/At Your Location

  • 1 hour session - $200

    90 minute session- $275

    2 hour session- $350

  • 1 hour session- $200

    90 minute session- $275

    2 hour session- $350

    (At least 90 minutes is suggested for full benefits with Thai massage)

Mobile sessions are available locally in Arlington and Falls Church. Sessions outside this area may be possible and require additional travel fees. Please email me for more information and to schedule.

Rates are subject to change without notice. Sometimes we need support and don’t feel financially able to get it. I offer a limited number of financial scholarships for my services. You may fill out the application here.

More About My Approach

In my 27+ years in the professional massage field, one thing has always felt clear to me.

The body and mind are intimately connected

What happens in one is reflected in the other. Often, what shows up as chronic, “doesn’t make sense” pain and stress in your body–headaches, achy shoulders, recurring back pain,  jaw clenching & teeth grinding, upset gut, sleepless nights– is other “stuff” looking for a way to feel seen & heard. (Things like uncomfortable memories, emotional stress, feeling unsure or vulnerable.)  We can do massage and give you tools & suggestions all day and you won’t find the lasting change you want until you commit to that change on a deeper level. Until you “Get to the Why” which is often found in some unacknowledged “life stuff.” (Hello to the critics in your head!)

I work with people who are committed to learning & honoring the language of their body so they can welcome lasting change.

If you feel done tolerating pain that doesn’t make sense & keeps coming back, and feel ready to take control of your body in the most welcoming, compassionate, loving way while getting to the core of all those mysterious aches and pains, working together can help.

If you’re willing to fully participate and own your health & wellness because you realize you’re the only one who creates the change you crave, you will get more lasting results.  I’m not a “fixer” and can’t “fix you.” Our work is a working relationship – I will guide & coach you so you can shift things in your physical and emotional self and break these annoying, distracting physical and thought patterns that have been nagging you for years.

If this sounds like you, we are likely a good fit.  If you’re not sure, that’s totally okay. I’m not about bullying you or your body. Reach out directly and let’s discuss what’s going on and decide together. I won’t jerk you around — your time and energy are too precious for that.  If we decide we aren’t the right combo, I’ll try to help you find an aligned fit. That’s how committed I am to supporting you in this journey.

My intention is for you to feel improvement when you leave a session, and to have lasting changes.

Common Questions

  • Each session is customized each time we work together. It’s really about what feels most supportive to you and your body. My training includes Swedish/relaxation massage, therapeutic massage (often misnamed “deep” massage), NMT work, Connective Tissue Therapy, sports massage, Thai yoga massage, reflexology, pediatric massage, and prenatal massage. In addition, we may use breathing techniques, guided visualizations, and of course connected conversation. No two sessions will be exactly the same. I don’t follow a routine– I work with you in response to where you and your body are that day.

  • Goodness no.  You are never required to verbally converse during our sessions or tell me your deep, dark secrets. Your body will “talk to me” regardless.  Any verbal coaching that’s part of these sessions will be only with your consent.  You are welcome to chat about your day or remain quiet and “zone out.”  I do request that you offer feedback as we work and communicate how things are feeling (that’s amazing, too much, can we try more pressure, I didn’t know that’s there, what is that?, etc).   This curiosity and communication is part of learning the language of your own body so you can respond to it before it’s throwing a tantrum.

  • Massage appointments are limited. I work with clients on weekdays between the hours of 10am and 4:30pm because those are the hours I am most present and energized. I’m not willing to trade quality for convenience in such an important exchange. I do not offer weekend or evening appointments. Those are the times I save to focus on my self-care, including time with my daughter.

  • I love working with all ages, including kids/teens. I’ve had clients from 3 years old to 96 years old. All genders, all races, all sizes and shapes. I am also a Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist (via Liddle Kidz).

  • I hear you. My fees are aligned with my experience and expertise. And yes, the clients I work with say that not only I am worth it, but also that they are worth it. So maybe a question for you to consider is- Are you worth investing this time and money in yourself? If you don’t think so, I invite you to explore why. Is it because you were given the message that you aren’t worthy by someone or something? Is it because you feel like everyone else should come first? There are no right/wrong answers– this is an invitation for you to get to know yourself a little better.

    If you feel like this work would really support you, and you are not financially able to afford my fees, please fill out my scholarship application and share more about your situation.

    There are many amazing massage therapists out there and I want you to find the one that feels most connected for you. That is when you will get the most out of your work together

  • It depends. I offer hands on massage on a limited basis. Because of that variability, setting up a regular/recurring appointment can feel tricky. If you're looking for a regular appointment, we can discuss options after our first session together.

  • Never. I am all about meeting you where you are most comfortable. If I tell you that you have to fully undress, and then you feel anxious, your body will respond with stress and tension. That’s counterproductive!

    You get to choose what clothing you remove and keep on. You will be covered everywhere except where we are working at any given time. You’re invited to share any areas you do not want touched during that visit.

    You will remain fully clothed for Thai massage on the table or Facial Rejuvenation sessions.

  • You get three primary responsibilities during your massage session.

    The first is don’t help unless I ask you to. The massage table is a no helping zone! This is often easier said than done! What this means is you get comfy on the table and then… wait for it… let go and RECEIVE the work. No need to lift your arm or leg and help me out. I’ve got you and I promise that I will let you know if I need your help. I’ll likely remind to breathe during your session, and may ask you for other movement help. You get to be like melted butter on the table and just “be” unless I ask you specifically.

    The second is verbally communicate. This entails you sharing what you’re noticing during the session. If something feels fantastic, share that. If pressure feels uncomfortable or a stretch feels like too much, let me know. Massage is a working relationship between me and you, and between you and your body. No relationship thrives without open, honest communication (yes, this includes with yourself.)

    And third- Trust. If you’re like me, this may feel especially hard. I mean, you live in your body so you know it best! And sometimes there is this tendency to say “I really want work only in this place that hurts and I want it really hard to make it go away.” Well, I’m here to tell you that won’t give you the results you want. Just as we don’t like or feel better with emotional bullying, your body will not respond in kind to physical bullying. Your body talks to me and sometimes it says “That’s as deep as you can go right now before I start fighting back and actually make this worse.” And I may share that in the moment– this is what your body will allow right now. That isn’t about me not wanting to listen to you or about me being lazy. That is about honoring your body where it is right now so that we can invite & coach it to where you want it to be. I invite you to trust my 25+ years of experience with 1000s of bodies. Trust the process and that I want you to feel better, too.

  • Happy to help! Here's the long version.

    What is it?

    Mehta Facial Rejuvenation, also called Indian Face Massage, is a gentle non-invasive approach to looking younger. Although aging is a beautiful, natural part of life & growth, facial massage helps delay the visible signs and prevent further damage using, natural and effective massage techniques and energy balancing. It combines ancient theory with a practical, modern approach to looking and feeling your best, whatever your age. Its origins lie in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system that translates as ‘the science of life’ and focuses on the health of the individual at physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Ayurveda places great emphasis on massage as being essential to health and beauty. No oils, creams or equipment are used, virtually eliminating worry about chemical sensitivities. There is also no need to get undressed making it perfect for those who are modest.

    How does it work?

    Tension can build up in our facial muscles without our realization. Over time, habitual thoughts and emotions can lock themselves into expressions on our faces (I[m looking at your, furrowed eyebrows and forehead) – particularly around the eyes and mouth. This can be exacerbated by sun exposure, pollution, alcohol, poor diet, lack of sleep, the effects of gravity and just plain life. Under such conditions muscles can “dry up” and contract, inhibiting freedom of expression, which encourages the formation of wrinkles as the face loses muscle tone & elasticity and begins to sag. Natural Face Lift Massage can relieve tension in areas you had no idea were tense. Energy balancing techniques bring a deep feeling of relaxation to the whole body and the noticeable effects can quickly be seen on the face. During the treatment, over ninety face and neck muscles are systematically massaged. Acupressure points are activated, stimulating energy flow and releasing deep-seated tension, freeing layers of muscle and connective tissue. Ayurvedic ‘smoothing’ techniques are used so that circulation is improved and the tissues can glide smoothly over the deeper layers of muscle and bone. The whole process has been likened to ironing out the creases, making the skin feel smoother and softer while improving the complexion and skin tone.

    Is this a miracle, one-time only thing?

    No, like all massage this technique builds upon itself to help reeducate the muscles. Although you can see the difference after only one session, the effects are cumulative and best achieved over a series of 6-8 one hour weekly sessions (depending on the individual.) Just as the body benefits from exercise, so too does the face. We can discuss specific exercises to tone areas of the face that cause concern. Maintenance sessions every 4-6 weeks are usually recommended to maintain the benefits.

    What are some benefits of this therapy?

    • Recipients regularly report a marked reduction in lines, bags and wrinkles

    • Bigger, brighter eyes

    • Overall relaxation at a deep physical and emotional level

    • Smoother skin

    • Better complexion

    • Tighter facial contours

    • Relief from headaches, eyestrain, and insomnia

    • A sense of calmness; release of anxiety and help in clearer thinking

    Is this just for women?

    Face massage can be beneficial for all genders. You don’t even have to “look old” (or think you do!) to achieve benefits. We’ve seen immediate results with people in their 20s and people in their 60s/70s. Anyone who is interested in achieving happier, healthier skin can benefit.

    Can you combine this with my full body massage?

    A face massage session lasts for one hour and is its own treatment. We could combine the two into a longer session, but to see the results you expect, the face massage session needs to last an entire hour.

  • In-home massage is offered in the Arlington, VA and Falls Church area. You provide the space and I’ll provide most of the equipment.  We will need an open space about 8′ x 6′ to set up and use during your session. If you own a massage table, please let me know. I will need access to a standard chair or other sitting surface. I will arrive a few minutes before our scheduled appointment to set up the massage table for your appointment.

    Please- No more than one flight of stairs, including outside stairs.

  • Of course not. I’m a firm believer gratuities are a choice, not a demand. You will see the option to tip if you pay by credit card. That is there because clients have asked for it. Please decide what feels best for you.

  • Awesome. I’m a questions/data/research person myself. Please email me at support(at)lorinehoffer(dot)com and ask away! (Please note that you should change those to “@” and “.” in the email. Writing it out helps cut down on spammy bots. Nobody likes that nonsense!)

    I look forward to connecting with you.