Hi! I’m Lorine.

I’ve been empowering people to notice & change the habits causing them physical and emotional discomfort, while renewing their sense of relaxation & balance, since 1996. I have a passion for my work and regularly share how lucky I am to have a job I love. Combining my coaching skills, massage experience, education experience, and natural intuitive nature allows us to create the perfect session each time we work together.

My conscious fascination with the human body began when I was 13 years old.  My body grew so quickly that my muscles couldn’t keep up with my bones, leading to debilitating low back pain and my early teen years in a back brace.  My mom took me to get a massage and I was hooked.  At 13 years old, I was asking “What do you have to do to be a massage therapist?” Massage continued intriguing me during high school and college.  In 1996, while riding my bike, it happened- I had an epiphany.  It was time to go to massage school. Three months later I was at the Florida School of Massage in Gainesville.  I never looked back.

My massage practice flourished and yet something was missing. Clients wanted more than massage.  They wanted to talk. They were coming for the nurturing, safe space to feel seen and heard. 

I knew there was more to helping break recurring stress and tension patterns like nagging back aches, headaches, and sleeplessness that keep you from feeling patient, focused, and joyful.  I knew that we tend to hold emotions physically and that often what shows up as pain and tension has an emotional component. I knew that my own “doesn’t make sense” pain (like 18 months of debilitating sciatica) didn’t go away until I dug into my emotional inner workings and listened to what *I* really wanted and needed. As I acknowledged my emotional “stuck,” the rest of my body got “unstuck” and my pain went away.

I take a whole body, holistic approach. While we focus on stress management and addressing the current frustrations, the underlying goal is to get to the “why” and guide you to recognize & shift the patterns that are causing this stuff in the first place. I am a strong believer that learning the language of the body is a preventive tool, not just a solution. Tension and stress often lead to physical pain, reduced productivity, and a decreased quality of life so I help my clients keep their bodies healthy and well through reconnecting to themselves and bridging the gap between body and mind.

If you’re like me and enjoy the details….

I’m a bit of a researcher. I’m the person who reads the entire website and researches before reaching out to connect. Why?  Because I want a sense of “Are we a good fit?” before I share my time and energy.  Maybe you’re like that, too?

With that in mind, here are a few things to know about me:

  • I’ve been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1997 and a certified coach since 2020

  • My core values are authenticity, humor, compassion & empathy, connectedness, nature, adventure & exploring

  • I love helping people figure out the little steps they can take to get the big change they want and are ready to claim

  • I love the human body and nerd out on how it works. This includes the brain.

  • I was the President of the Cussing Club in 2nd grade and I still curse a ton

  • Breaking old patterns/habits and rewriting the narrative are my jam

  • I’ve raised over $30,000 and bicycled thousands of miles for HIV/AIDS and cancer causes 

  • My pronouns are she/her 

  • Both my popcorn and my hot chocolate are legendary in my inner circle

  • I’ll hold space and hold you accountable. Ask any of my friends or clients. (This means I expect you to show up for yourself)

  • I’m an introvert and Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). I was hide-under-the-table-at-parties shy as a child. Literally.

  • One of my favorite and most insightful conversation partners is my teen daughter. I learn something from her every day

  • I love animals. I’ve raised dogs, cats, hermit crabs, and fish so far. Spiders get to live in my house. Mice are caught and released back into nature. I seriously want to hang out with an octopus and a hedgehog. (Maybe not at the same time) 

  • Recipes are merely suggestions and jumping off points

  • I love to laugh. I especially love wordplay and ridiculous memes & gifs

  • Cheesy 80s TV brings me glee (and a sense of escape when needed)

  • I love words and finding the perfect word. Sometimes it comes easily and sometimes I struggle. And sometimes I surrender and embrace a non-perfect word (menopause isn’t helping!)

  • Walking outside is one of the main ways I both energize and calm my mind

  • I love the smell of rain and the sound of snow

  • Asking for and receiving help & support was not something I grew up doing and I have worked hard on both. I’m a happier, kinder, calmer parent, partner, and friend because I chose to do this work myself. It wasn’t easy or comfortable and it was totally worth it

  • I’m passionate about communication, connection, inclusion, and consent. For all humans. Of all ages, genders, and races

  • All genders, races, colors, religions, body shapes, and levels of sass are welcome here. I’ve been preaching inclusion since I was a kid

  • I love talking with people,  hearing their stories, and getting to the good stuff. Small talk feels a bit stickier for me

  • I believe the body is always talking to us and sharing what it needs.  Change comes when we choose to learn that language and listen

  • My pet peeves include lack of follow through, cabinet doors being left open, and when people “ghost” other people

  • I love helping people deepen their relationship with self so they can connect with themselves & others and ask for what they want even when it feels damn uncomfortable

  • I believe “No” is a complete sentence.

VA License #0019000475
UT License #5193225-4701