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As Seen On

Knowing Change

Do you ever just know things?

Get these nudges, or maybe a giant push, that you have to do something now? No hesitancy. No worries what others may think. It’s plainly clear that now is the time.

Or perhaps there’s a plot twist thrust upon you and you simply know what needs to happen next. Things fall into your awareness and you feel “Yes, that’s the next step,” as big or small as it may be.

I do. I have my entire life. In fact, it’s so ingrained in my experience that it didn’t occur to me until sometime in my late 20s that this isn’t how everyone experiences the world. And, that not everyone has access to this tool.

I call it my “knowing.” It acts as my compass in navigating change. (read more)

Snapshots of Stillness

Snuggled on my couch under the weighted blanket.

All the lights have turned off.

Peering out the window, watching the slow movement of the moon working its way across the blue-black sky. A few stars shimmering, asking to be seen.

I glance at the clock. 2am.

“I should go to bed.” There’s that “should” that likes to show up.

The fact is… I don’t really want to.

Finally, there is a sense of quiet. Of the slowing of the world around me.

Things are at rest. Noise is limited.

stillness…… (read more)

Honoring Your Wisdom From Birth

When I was five years old, my parents took me and my sisters for a night out at the Sea Horse Restaurant while on vacation at the beach. Memory tells me this particular visit was either on or right around my fifth birthday and that we were there with family friends who introduced us to this beach town. As kids of the 70s, it wasn’t uncommon for us to join our parents at “fancy” restaurants and lounges where we’d order off the adult menu, drink Shirley Temples, listen to lounge acts, be dragged on the dance floor, and stay out late enough that eventually I’d fall asleep on the table while they continued celebrating life.

On this particular evening, my dad asked me if I’d dance with him. I was a painfully shy kid, and dancing in the middle of a busy restaurant when it was past my bedtime involved a whole lot more attention directed at me than I felt comfortable with. In fact, dancing anywhere that wasn’t my bedroom when I was alone felt pretty damn scary.

So I told him no. I didn’t want to… (read more)

Waiting and Wondering

A couple of years ago I was put on the “6-month plan” for both mammograms and full body skin cancer checks. It’s kind of a shitty club to be in, and I know I’m far from alone. Each time I make an appointment, there is this glimmer of fear that surges through my body.

“Is this the time they find cancer?”

Recently I went in for a 6-month mammogram to check the calcifications in my breast. They’d been holding steady, and when this scan was clear, I’d be taken off the 6-month rotation.

I have a favorite mammogram tech. Her name is Sheryl, and she is friendly, wears pigtails, makes jokes, is so respectful, and totally lets me nerd out by showing me the images as she takes them. She checks between each shot to make sure she got what’s needed because some of these calcifications are nestled way back near my chest wall. Add to that my super dense and cyst-filled breast tissue and taking time between images becomes really important. It also reduces the probability the radiologist will send us back for more images at the same visit. Sheryl makes mammograms fun! I did not have Sheryl on my last visit…. (read more)

Undefined Joy

“Take it slowly. This book is dangerous.” Fox in Socks by Dr Seuss

This article could be a bumpy ride. It may or may not “make sense,” and I’m okay with that.

I’ve been dreading this moment since I heard about it.

“And finally, we’re going to write about navigating joy!”

I’m sorry — WHAT????

Navigating Change? Easy.

Navigating Stillness? I crave stillness.

Navigating Boundaries? That’s like a love language for me.

Navigating Fear and Uncertainty? Hah. So familiar.

But Navigating Joy? JOY?????

I don’t even know what that is.

How that feels.

How do you navigate something you don’t have context for? (read more)

Ep 13- The Big Orange Splot with Lori

“Join Lori and me as we discuss her favorite children's book, The Big Orange Splot by Daniel Pinkwater.  We chat about big themes in small books, how "accidents" can be the catalysts for change & discovery, and the importance of getting people's names right.  Join us!”

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Ep 24- Lori Returns! with Come As You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life

“Lori Hoffer returns!!! And we are getting into it!! This time Lori is sharing the book Come As You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski. We are open about all the things… and have a ton of fun doing it. We also chat about not liking reading, how our relationship to sex is very much tied to our relationship to our body, and how talking about taboo subjects can set us free. Join us for Books That Shape Us, the After Dark version!😉”

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Ep 48- Being in Your Body- The Body Mind Connection and Massage For Your Soul

April 2020 podcast episode with Catherine Avery, ADHD Productivity Coach, and Lori where we delve deep into the connection between our bodies and our minds, how our bodies can physically hold emotional tension and trauma, and how we can move into healing by deepening the relationship with our whole body.

Listen Here

Connect with Catherine here

Issue 315- Massage Business Success: MTs In Practice 20+ Years Show You How

Interviewed for and featured in this August 2022 article in Massage Magazine about the importance of strong boundaries as a part of massage practice longevity.

”Don’t misunderstand me; holding boundaries isn’t always easy or comfortable. It takes practice, self-respect and consistency. Your boundaries will be tested by you and others, and they will likely change and evolve.”

Read the article here